The RT-PCR test is not a foolproof test; therefore the CDC, FDA , and local certified labs add the caveat that a positive test does not exclude infection by another virus or bacteria, also a positive test does not confirm cause of symptoms or disease is SARS-CoV-2. Life must go on, especially in India where mortality by Covid-19 is remarkably low, despite millions being infected. The doomsayers conveniently forget to mention the low death rate in Indians. It is high time serious thought was given to opening of schools , or else a generation of children will have their future seriously dented. Schools are opening up in many countries of the world. There is ample data that children are infected significantly less than adults, if infected they shrugged off the virus admirably well, very few succumb to the disease. Schools are a vital part of a child’s growth, educationally, socially and emotionally. Friendships are made for life and a child gets to realise her or his trajectory in life. Disruption of schools will particularly affect millions of poor children who seem to have no one to speak on their behalf. Online teaching is no match for the classroom, and poor children have no access to the internet.




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